I just wanna say, this guy has been a nerd his whole life until 5 years ago, when his friend introduced dub step to him, taking him to shows and opening up his life for him. I thought that was pretty amazing to me, because this track is straight FIRE ! I'm not a big fan of his work, but this tune will deff keep my looking out for this big guy !
I've been to a lot of shows, don't get me wrong, and by far, the 2nd dirtiest set thrown down, that i have witnessed, is this fucker right here. I got introduced to him by the 'Crush On You Remix' he put together, and holy SHIT, thats all i can say.
This tune was the opener for Cookie Monsta's set at EDC 2012, and this track blew that fucking bass pod to shreds. Hands down, the dirtiest set i have seen in my whole lifetime. I didn't even go with the beat, i sat there in awe as he destroyed the place. So heres the tune !
I've been good buddies with this mother fucker right here for a good amount of time, and believe me, he has a lot in store for you guys. He has blown up in a little less that a year, and man, i can NOT get enough. This track isn't one of his best, but his record label made him post it up, but he threw me a version before it came out, so check it !!